Research Strategies Memphis, LLC


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Patient Demographics

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The Memphis metropolitan area consists of the surrounding counties in Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas to include a population of over 1.2 million people. Memphis is ranked the 18th largest city in the nation. Given the fact that Memphis is so centrally located in the Mid-South region, many individuals from a large portion of all three states come to Memphis to receive medical care.

The Memphis population percentages are as follows: Caucasian 50%, African-American 45%, Hispanic 3% and Asian 2%. Memphis ranks larger than the national household size compared to the average American household.


Research Strategies of Memphis utilizes a central IRB designated by the study sponsor and has a central laboratory on the premises. The site is spacious and comfortable for the study volunteers. Research Strategies of Memphis strives to be accommodating to study volunteers, study sponsors and all others affiliated in the clinical research process.

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